Sunday, November 12, 2006

Weight- 211.5
Exercise- 25 minute biggest loser weight training/20 minute stretching
Calories-670 so far

Today is the first day i have done the weight training part of the biggest loser exercise video. I am not sure how to explain it. Each individual move felt like it kicked my butt. I felt like each one was harder than anything I had ever done before. Then I got to the end of it and as a whole video I felt like "thats it?" It felt like there shoudl have been another 10-15 minutes. Of course each exercise has easier and harder modifications and maybe this is a sign that I should have been doing the harder modifications. I did the 20 minute aerobic workout on this same video friday and when it was over i felt like melting into a little pool of jello! That one I felt. The weight training portion I just felt like it wasn;t quite enough.

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